Strange Froots is a duo consisting of Mags and Naïka Champaïgne, who came together during a women-run workshop to encourage young women to express themselves musically. Their music is a fusion of different musical influences and backgrounds from the same Black diaspora. They convey that everyone should embrace who they are, no matter where they come from or what they're going through. Fyore's music can be described as a mix of alternative pop and indie pop, with lyrics that reflect her experiences of discovering adult life through an anxiety-driven lens. On stage, she exudes vulnerability and sweetness. JU!CE is a multi-talented artist of Haitian descent who creates music inspired by space and video games. They are self-taught beatmakers, digital artists, singers, and hip-hop DJs, called to raise the vibrations of their listeners and encourage creativity. Their creations include digital collages, paintings, and gaming music, creating an otherworldly experience for their audience.
Seeds Bear Froot : Strange Froots + Fy0re + JU!CE
Strange Froots is a duo consisting of Mags and Naïka Champaïgne, who came together during a women-run workshop to encourage young women to express themselves musically. Their music is a fusion of different musical influences and backgrounds from the same Black diaspora. They convey that everyone should embrace who they are, no matter where they come from or what they're going through. Fyore's music can be described as a mix of alternative pop and indie pop, with lyrics that reflect her experiences of discovering adult life through an anxiety-driven lens. On stage, she exudes vulnerability and sweetness. JU!CE is a multi-talented artist of Haitian descent who creates music inspired by space and video games. They are self-taught beatmakers, digital artists, singers, and hip-hop DJs, called to raise the vibrations of their listeners and encourage creativity. Their creations include digital collages, paintings, and gaming music, creating an otherworldly experience for their audience.