Feminist Media Studio (FMS)
Concordia University's FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIO supports creative and critical engagements with the gendered, racialized, and classed dimensions of social life under conditions of political struggle, exploitation, displacement and/or disenfranchisement in our global present. The political potency of feminist media practice—artists’ and activists’ use of installations, performance, public actions, film and video, and web-based platforms to make appeals for change or to hack systemic forms of gender bias—form the subject of collective and collaborative inquiry, taking multiple expressive forms and ouputs. We understand education as a creative practice that might occur elsewhere than expected places and might lead elsewhere than expected outcomes.
Concordia University's FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIO supports creative and critical engagements with the gendered, racialized, and classed dimensions of social life under conditions of political struggle, exploitation, displacement and/or disenfranchisement in our global present. The political potency of feminist media practice—artists’ and activists’ use of installations, performance, public actions, film and video, and web-based platforms to make appeals for change or to hack systemic forms of gender bias—form the subject of collective and collaborative inquiry, taking multiple expressive forms and ouputs. We understand education as a creative practice that might occur elsewhere than expected places and might lead elsewhere than expected outcomes.