Ashar Mumtaz
“One could think of two poles when launched into that trip, called Ashar Mumtaz. It’s not clear which tags the departure, and which is the goal, but let us point at the holistic sonic exploration on one hand, and then the local sonic experimentation on the other. One is a confidant of chance. It has a feeling for the hidden stirs. For the heat of subdermal signals. It taps to the feeling and risks: it is sensitive and profound: it’s hearing, receiving, entering darkness, and then responding, caring, amplifying.” (Pawel Jankiewicz)
“One could think of two poles when launched into that trip, called Ashar Mumtaz. It’s not clear which tags the departure, and which is the goal, but let us point at the holistic sonic exploration on one hand, and then the local sonic experimentation on the other. One is a confidant of chance. It has a feeling for the hidden stirs. For the heat of subdermal signals. It taps to the feeling and risks: it is sensitive and profound: it’s hearing, receiving, entering darkness, and then responding, caring, amplifying.” (Pawel Jankiewicz)